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Second Monday of each month


Motherlode Fair Grounds Creekside Building

220 Southgate Drive Sonora, CA 95370

   Visitors are always welcome to join us!







Community Quilts workdays are back!

 January 6th  at the Motherlode Fairgrounds in the Blake Elliott Bldg. (aka Creekside Bldg.)

9 a.m.—4 p.m. 

We will have all of our Community Quilt fabric at the work day. One of the big goals is to purge the older (disintegrating) fabric from our collection. Also, if you are going through your fabric stashes and come across some fabric you would like to donate to our Community Quilt fabric collection, this work day is THE day to bring it to the fairgrounds.

We have a LOT of bins of fabric to go through, so please come help us!

Additionally, don’t hesitate to come shop for fabrics for your community quilt projects! All are welcome! Don’t forget to bring a lunch! There will be quilt kits, quilts needing quilting and quilts needing binding sewn on available at our January General Membership Meeting.  Mark your calendars for this year's sew dates!

NOTE: We will have batting available for your Community Quilt projects at all of the Community Quilt Work Days.  Don’t forget to bring lunch! We hope you will come and join in the fun!  Questions?–Susan Rupp,




Tuesday, July 23rd:

• Sew Day! Bring your sewing

machine and let’s make some pillowcases!

Saturday, October 19th:

• Sew Day! Bring your sewing machine and let’s finish up those Community Quilt projects before year-end!

2024 Guild Calendar



June 10th

Doris Lantz​ 

(Featured Quilter Presentation)


New Member Social

June 12th

5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Hurst Ranch

click her to download flyer




September 9th

Quilt Show Prep

Quilt Show

Friday Sept 20th - Saturday Sept 21st




December 9th

Holiday Celebration 




July 8th

Ice Cream Social


Community Quilts Sew Day

July 23rd

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.





October 14th

Quilt Show Awards â€‹


Community Quilts Sew Day

Saturday Oct 19th

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.


New Member Social

October 23rd

12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Hurst Ranch

click her to download flyer




August 12th

2024 Challenge Quilt Voting

Quilt Show Prep





November 11th

Guest Speaker - TBD



November 12th

Class Info TBD




2024 Sierra Quilt Guild Featured Quilter,
Doris Lantz

After graduating from SSF High School with a major in Art, I moved to Burlingame in 1970 and pursued my love of animals.  There I raised a baby African lion, also a pet skunk, an agouti, and my beloved pet otter.  My back yard also had 2 Rhea’s (flightless birds from So. America), chickens, peacocks and guinea hens.  The neighbors loved it and would come by often to visit the animals.  

I started a Pet Store in San Bruno in the early 70’s called Pet World and owned it for 25 Years.  It was voted the “Best Pet Store in San Mateo County” by the San Mateo County Times poll for many years in a row.  Pet World had a complete fish department of both Fresh and saltwater fish, a complete bird department with parrots and small birds of all kinds.  I hand raised many baby parrots that were born in my care.  There was also a large reptile section.  You could get anything needed for your pet at Pet World.  

I was also the dog groomer and voted the best groomer in San Mateo County for many years in a row.  I bred and showed Bouvier des Flandres dogs.  I had some of the top winning champion dogs.  My dogs are also in the “Complete Bouvier des Flandres” book.

I moved to Woodside in the early 80’s and got into horses.  I was president of the San Mateo County Horsemen for several years and the President of the California State Horsemen Region 6.  I rode in the Cow Palace Grand National Rodeo for many years as a color guard in the opening ceremonies.    I have also rode horses across Rajasthan in India, Botswana in Africa, Kenya in Africa, through the Mayan ruins in Belize, and From Chile to Argentina and back over the Andes all on horseback.

While all that was going on I was still focused on my passion of art.  I did many sculptures, painted in acrylics, made and designed baskets and masks.

I moved to La Grange in 1999.  Bought 23 acres there and had horses, highland cows, pigs, peacocks, turkeys, geese, goats, donkeys and lots of chickens.  Then I moved to Sonora in 2002. One day in 2016 I was in Joann and was looking at sewing machines.  Since I had never sewn before I wanted to learn how.  I started with making hats, and jackets.  Then my quilting began.  I got excited that there was something called “Art Quilts” and that is what I followed. I first started with paper piecing then moved along to applique, doing quilts of animals.  I do all my own quilting (with my long arm) and designing my own quilts.  I also do free motion quilting and thread painting on my quilts.

I Joined the Sierra Quilt Guild in 2019.  There was 2nd VP and did programs. I am currently 1st VP of the guild. 

I have won many ribbons in County Fairs and various quilt guilds.  I have also developed several patterns which I am teaching at various quilt guilds.  So far I have two on beginning paper piecing. Also applique patterns, on a butterfly, hummingbird, highland cow, goldfish and giraffe.  I am also listed in NCQC as a teacher.


Who are we?

The Sierra Quilt Guild of Tuolumne County is dedicated to providing an atmosphere of fellowship for anyone interested in the art and craft of quilt making and related arts by: sharing of skills and knowledge in the field of quilt making, providing instruction to further the education, knowledge and skills in quilt making through lectures, workshops, and seminars. We also provide ongoing information on quilting events and contribute to community education by encouraging the appreciation of the art of quilting.

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